About Steve Repak
Steve Repak, CFP® is an Army veteran, and the author of the “6 Week Money Challenge For Your Personal Finances” and “Dollars & Uncommon Sense: Basic Training For Your Money”
Steve comes from extremely humble beginnings with his family having little or no money. Due to his dire financial situation, after graduating high school, he enlisted in the Army. He was just like most people – living paycheck to paycheck, having a ton of credit card debt, no money in savings or retirement, and very little hope.
After 12 years of military service, Steve left the Army with over $32,000 in credit card debt, ironically landing a job in personal finance through contacts he made while serving. By observing what his wealth builders did differently not only with their finances but in there lives in general, Steve was able to get his financial house and more importantly his life in order.
Steve has been a frequent guest on Fox and Friends, Fox Business, 700 Club, and CNN Headline News. He has been interviewed on NPR Radio, Bloomberg Radio, Market Watch Radio, Wall Street Journal Radio, and many other national and regional shows. Steve’s articles have appeared in Forbes, Investor’s Business Daily, Business Week, New York Post, Chicago Tribune, MSN Money, Yahoo Finance, & USA Today. Steve graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Management Communications from Amridge University and lives in Charlotte, North Carolina with his wife and three children.
Check out Steve’s latest book “6 Week Money Challenge: For Your Personal Finances” available at bookstores everywhere.
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